
Apr 30, 2010 23:14

I've been wondering if I should return to Meteor Falls for a little bit. People go back to where they came from all the time, at least for visits, and maybe I should try it out. I don't know what I'll do there or for what reason I would go, but I thought upon it and considered it.

On the other hand, I don't really regard it as a home; not only have a spent a vast majority of my life on this planet here at Smash Academy as opposed to Meteor Falls, but I am not attached to anyone or anything there, save that stellar feeling it gives off. (Smash Academy doesn't feel very spacey to me.)

What an absurd thought, all of it. I don't need to go back. Hoenn... I have no connection to it. No trainer, no home. Then again, Meteor Falls is where Solrock simply reside, so that may be what's drawing me so.

When do classes resume?
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