Oct 22, 2008 03:43
I'm a gamer. Not a casual gamer. Not a YouTube gaming god, either. Just a gaming enthusiast who happens to have a moderate amount of skill with a gamepad and who plays too close to the television despite his mother's constant warnings not to. In over ten years of gaming, my eyesight has not gotten any worse, and I'm fairly certain my brain remains solid. Adding the fact that I've been playing T- and M-rated games since my pre-teen years with no notable detriment to my moral development to show for it, and I'd say mothers across the globe are sorely overestimating the dangers of gaming. Then again, maybe I'm the exception that proves the rule?
Gaming is not my only hobby, but it is my Big Hobby. I'm also into manga and anime (blame those on my lovely ex-girlfriend), and I love to read (Stephen King is a particular favorite), but gaming is usually what takes up the majority of my waking-unworking hours, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Manga, anime, and literature don't try to beat you into the ground the way videogames do--someone else might beat you into the ground with such things, but that's another matter entirely.
Given my intense interest in games, I've been considering starting a gaming blog for some time now--a little place for me to post my own thoughts on various game-related issues, review whatever game or movie or fanfic I happen to be playing/watching/reading at the time, and throw in a personal note or monologue whenever the mood takes me. So here I am, once more beating my laptop keyboard into submission in my hyperactive frenzy to get my thoughts in binary. No time like two minutes ago, as they say. Or something like that.
Well, we'll see how involved this gets as time rolls along. 'Til then, fellow gaming addicts, I am
Yours truly,
Solaris Paradox
solaris paradox