Nov 18, 2004 16:50
Ok... well I better explain why I haven't been on in so long.
First, I had been planning to move out for a year now. With my child support ending as soon as I turned 18 I felt I was just a burden to my family. But... that's not why I ended up leaving.
I go to work, go to school, go to swimming, go to pick up my sisters from school, go to run various errands, and still do my homework and my chores. So, I figure as long as I get my obligations taken care of, I should be able to do what I want in MY spare time.(within reason... nothing illegal... stuff like playing videogames, going to see my friends, or watching movies)
Well... my Mom doesn't think so... I do what she wants me to.
So one night I'm home 5 mins late. She gets mad and says call if you are going to be late.
So the next night I'm late(5mins) but I called. She gets mad anyways. We fight and I decide to leave.
I may have gone for a walk, cooled down, and just decided she's just worried about me and come back. BUT... as I head for the door, she gets in my way, and slaps me... right across the face. I step back a little shocked then think "FUCK YOU!!!" and continue walking. She slaps me again, then knowing she can't stop me( I'm bigger and stronger) she begins to pinch or choke my neck (I don't know what the fuck she was doing. Now realize at this point I have not lifted a finger to her.) She and I cross a few more words and then she treatens to call the cops and tell them the only thing she can... that I'm stealing her truck(now this is the same woman who valiently defended me from my step-dad, saying "you can't take his truck and sell it, it's his truck and no one elses, I would never think so low as to take it from him." and the same woman who turned down my offer to pay her for it so it could be in my name saying," we'll put in your name, it's yours and you don't need to pay for it.") well the truck was still in her name so she could have called them... so I walked. I went to a friend's house and stayed there for a week. I began to become a burden to them(though they wouldn't say it) so now I'm living with another friend who offered because his parents took in kids like me before he was born.
So... needless to say I haven't had much access to a comp for the last two weeks.
So now you know...
I'll be on and off on this but my cell is still the same (512)497-9083 she let me keep it so she could always get in touch with me.
It seems like I got my own problems but if you need to talk about your's... I'm here. OR if you just want to say hi... that'll really help :)