The first line of the last 25 fics

Aug 28, 2008 19:02

gakked from everyone, Post the first line from your 25 most recent fanfics and try to find a pattern.

These are in random order, The first line of the last 25 fics:


All days, it seems, are not entirely the same as the others.

Standing in Joey’s hallway, dressed in a pink tutu, white tights and pink dance slippers, complete with pink satin ribbons crossing their way up his calves, Justin is past embarrassment, he’s pissed off.

“Mother, it hurts.


Trying to relax on the airplane, I think about the last time I was this nervous.

Without much thought, Chris jiggled his cup, listening to the melting ice cubes rattle.

After yawning, Justin snuggled himself into Chris’ arms.

Chris knew it was early, but that didn’t stop him from dialing the phone.

Taking off one of his thick, padded gloves, Lance prods two fingers through the tangled mass of clothing that protects him from the cold.

Lance froze, listening.


Waking slowly, Joey yawns and stretches before opening his eyes.

“Lance,” Chris calls as he’s jogging down a hallway after his boyfriend.

It doesn’t take much to make me happy.

It’s his vacation and he’s supposed to be relaxing, but Lance finds his eyes blinking open.

Lance had been looking for a way out of Clinton, Mississippi.

Waking up alone in bed isn't unusual for JC.

JC loves every aspect of Chris.

Steadied by his hands on the bathroom counter, JC stared into the large mirror above it.


Scintillating water splashes against the sides of the boat, rocking it gently as the sun warms the wooden deck and encourages the water’s reflection to sparkle across the hull in a lively ballet of light and shadow.

I had never felt so nervous in my life.

Walking back and forth across the beach, Joey traced and retraced his steps.

“You know I don’t like this beach,” Joey reminded Lance. “It’s haunted.”


Feeling proud of his wild side, JC opted not to bother sticking to the proper running trails at the park and instead found himself leaping and bounding through the wooded areas, like a cougar hot on the trail of some tasty prey.

Still squatting near Chris’ capture, JC wrinkled his nose, informing his partner, “Your catch still smells horrible.”

There it sat, tempting him.



Patterns, there seem to be five references to waking up or being early.
6 mentions each of Chris & Lance, 5 mentions of JC, 4 mentions of Joey & 2 mentions of Justin.
I suppose that's a pattern of...SPARKLY DANCE BOYS! YAY! ;)


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