Nov 21, 2007 20:03
Just wanted to wish those who celebrate Thanksgiving, safe travels and a happy holiday!
Every Thanksgiving I like to dust off this gem for sharing:
Thanksgiving: TrickC Style
Pairing: Chris/JC
Summary: Chris and JC go shopping together for Thanksgiving dinner.
Notes: Written for joshysleo at fic_requests: JC/Chris with them planning and/or shopping for a large family dinner. approx. 850 words
SeSa is moving along fairly well *happy dances*.
30 days left before SeSa posting deadline *flails*
I am soooo not ready for Christmas!
Look! I learned to make bullet things! *Squeals with glee*
My weather pixies tell me it's colder here than in Chicago! Brrr! And it's been raining all day long *pouts*
Kitty is having a couple of bad days *cuddles her*