What a great week!

Aug 12, 2007 12:43

Man, I've been having a great week! Of course, most of it has been spent at work, and work is work, and even though it can get boring at times, I don't hate my job. But outside of work, things have been going great.

To start with, the writing thing has been going great. I'm not going to rush myself to write or even publish this book, but in the past week since actually starting to write it, not just outline it, I've gotten down 9,000 words, as well as some revisions and more outlining. (And the story's not even fully outlined yet!) I doubt I'll be able to consistently keep up this pace, since I have different hobbies plus a job and other responsibilities that will end up pulling my attention elsewhere from time to time, but it's a good start and I feel as though I'll be less likely to keep pushing it back if I have parts of it I can work on. At first I was worried that I wouldn't be able to write enough pages to fill up a novel, but looking at what I have so far, I might have room for a sequel!
(And yeah, the book will totally be dedicated to arkadia since she helped come up with the first half of the story! We were going to do it as a manga, but it hasn't happened, and I've been saying for the past year that I wanted to novelize it. It'd be great to write it for both formats though!)

Then yesterday, rurouni_jedi, scruffyrebel, and I headed up to the fabric district. I didn't have any distinct ideas in mind, I just wanted to browse, maybe pick up fabric I liked for personal projects, maybe look for stuff for a group project we're doing next year. But then rurouni_jedi took me to the GOOD dollar-a-yard store. I've been wanting to make Tonks for months, and they were all buying fabric for Hogwarts robes... so I'm going to be Hufflepuff Tonks! Screw continuity! It'll be fun. I need a break before I actually start sewing it, but I keep eyeing the wig I'm going to recycle for it... besides Shea has/is looking for the pattern so I can't start on the robe yet anyway. THANK GOD I'm only doing simple costumes next year. I need a break from super-elaborate for a while, and with AX looking to be less than optimal for cosplay, I'm pushing back Xenosaga. So I'll have two HP costumes (and my first semi-villain) and one other for next year, and I've already got fabric and wiggage for all but one. Reduce reuse recycle!

Then we headed to Little Tokyo, had delicious bento and boba, came back to my house and perused HP fanart, macros, and funny internet videos, and I am left wondering how I had never seen the Harry Potter Rap before. Following this was a mad search for Prisoner of Azkaban, then the consumption of nothing healthy and special features for the rest of the night. ♥ I also found a bunch of old Intellivision games for the PS2, and acquired said games in order to remind me of my childhood, before the Atari and Genesis. I have a fear of sharks, and there was this game where you were a fish and had to bite the shark's tail to defeat it, but he could spin on you and eat you. I think now, eighteen years later, I may be brave enough to take that shark on!

Had my final class this morning and my priest found me a really nice copy of the BCP, so I am happy about that as well. As I mentioned in a previous post, I wanted to go home for my mom's 50th birthday this week, and I'm going up Thursday night to surprise her. I arranged with my dad to have a neighbor pick me up (because how could we reasonably get a married man out of the house at 11 without raising any suspicions?), so I'm just going to ring the doorbell at 11:30 and wait for the wtfs to ensue. And then there shall be massive puppy time. Oh yes.

I am smiling. The nerdy ramblings in this post are enough to make my head explode, so I sincerely apologize. *sashays off to conquer the pile of dishes*

weekend, random, nerdery, birthdays, writing, movies, faith, cosplay

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