I had a very productive spring break, cosplay-wise.
Keep in mind that I just threw this on the table, it's kinda crooked, I haven't ironed it, etc, so it looks all wrinkly (especially the trim on the one side, for some reason). It looks much better when it's hanging and gravity can work on it, plus it'll be stretched to the correct size when I attach it to the other panels. Shame my 4 foot hair will probably cover it the whole time. I'll probably handsew the other two panels this weekend when I'm out of town (thank God they're less detailed than this one).
I painted that trim so much to make it a dull gold and it still looks all uber-shiny when photographed up close with the flash. ;_;
Lindsay- Almost done with Fuu, just need to do the zipper and pockets. I'll take a picture when it's done. Watching X while sewing = happy productiveness.
Caistarrin- I swear I'll try to remember to look for Enoch soon!