I admit that I'm not on LiveJournal as much as I used to be, but I did notice the fact that the site was down for quite a while, and enjoyed the panicked notes from the tech-team trying to get it back up. Self-directed geek anger is very entertaining, especially after a somewhat over-confident merger/sale of the system.
My good friend Rudner has made a commemorative t-shirt (quite funny too) for sale on the Zazzle website here:
http://www.zazzle.com/products/product/product.asp?caching=on&product_id=235316623830018962&index=1I encourage everyone to buy it.
We will be co-designing another one, about the tsunami & Livejournal, in the worst taste possible, which I will post soon.
But talking about the worst taste possible, check out this photo from the tsunami in Sri Lanka of men carrying a dead body away, with a bystander in the back wearing a pro-Bin Laden T-shirt. Oy.