Title: Bed hogs and bed hair
Characters: Nine/Rose + another!
Rating: All Ages
Genre: Fluff
Disclaimer: I don't even own my soul. That belongs to the Ninth Doctor.
Summary: There was a lump under his quilt
A/N: In response to
dave7 's prompt from
this post on my LJ. Feel free to add further prompts. It has been quite a while since I was able to write anything so I hope I can still do it. This ficlet features in the same Alt!Verse as
New Beginnings and
There was a lump under his quilt.
A small, fidgety, squirming lump that was somehow taking up three quarters of the bed.
Carefully he extricated his right arm, which was going all numb and tingly, from underneath Rose. Rose who was flat on her back, arms raised above her head, mouth open, snoring away with a trail of drool running from the corner of her mouth. She had never looked so beautiful in her life. Even now, with bed hair, foul breath and with her snoring like the wheezing of the TARDIS engines, she was the most beautiful thing that he had ever seen. He sat up and looked at her, carefully stroking back the tendrils of hair that were covering her face. It took all his self control not to wake her up and show her just how beautiful he thought she was.
But first he had to take care of the lump under his quilt.
He pulled back the quilt. There she was, flat on her back, arms raised above her head, mouth open, snoring away sounding like the TARDIS engines, with a trail of drool running from the corner of her mouth. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. At times like this he wondered how someone as daft looking as he had somehow created something as beautiful as this. But then with a quick look back at her mother he knew the answer to that.
Slipping out of bed he bent over and gently slid his arms under the sleeping child lifting her to his chest. Just two and a half years old, not even a meter tall and yet she could take over an entire king size bed. She murmured something; something about butterflies and fairies and Uncle Jack. The Doctor snorted and smiled. Typical, he thought.
Sliding the little girl back into her own bed and tucking her in, he bent down and placed the briefest of kisses on her nose. Then with a mental thought to the TARDIS, asking, no pleading with her to give him a few seconds notice of Lilly-Rose's night-time wanderings, he returned to bed intent on waking his wife up the gentlest way he knew.
He looked at the bed and sighed. There was a lump under his quilt.
Rose Tyler was spread-eagled, her head in the middle of the pillows, each arm spread out and each leg stretching out to the corners of the bed.
Like mother like daughter, he thought before admitting defeat and settling himself in the armchair in the corner of their room.
Bed hogs, the pair of them.
A/N2: The name Lilly-Rose is for my great-niece who was born three days ago, weighing in at 8lbs 7oz!