Jun 28, 2008 00:58
OK I cannot sleep. I am so made up with cold, donated by a kindly 6y/o who I have been working with this week. Schools should have a Government Health Warning slapped onto them; they are petri dishes for germs.
Anyway, been reading various mutterings via my Google Alerts on who is tipped to take over from David Tennant on Doctor Who eventually.
So here is my two penneth...
James Nesbitt: DO NOT WANT!!!
Now Robert Carlyle, I could imaging myself have a quick squee over him. But in my fantasy (the clean one...!), the Doctor will magically DE-generate and become the Ninth again. Christopher Eccleston would return and his new costume would be his birthday suit (OK getting out of the realms of 'clean' fantasies now..).
Right, now pass me the Vick's vapour rub, I'm off to bed...... now why does that sound kinky?
(Oh I know how to live alright..!)
doctor who