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fid_gin Pick 10 people and give them the "you make my day" award. If you're picked, you are charged with picking 10 of your own.
So here they are:
fid_gin Not just because she tagged me and made my day, but also for her Nine smutty fics, Going Up, Going Down and Going Forward. Awesome smutty goodness!
lillibetm3 Detecting a theme here..... For her delicious Nine smutty fics, nobody writes Nine/Rose smut like Lili does, and she writes Strange Magicks!
amberwind She is my Legacy beta who is very overdue a chapter but I just havent finished it yet! Sorry!
brilliantomega She always reviews. There is a terrifying few hours after uploading a fic and getting your first review, you have thoughts of 'argh, its dreadful, everybody hates it' going around your head.
lostwolfchats She wrote 'The Persephone Problem'. Beautifully written, very romantic and angsty, excellent fic.
dragonmom64 She helped me sort out a few issues with Winter's Beauty, I had no idea what an ice storm would be like, so she described it to me.
7. & 8 go to
soniced_up and
jennsthedevil respectively for creating
Ecclescult 9.
mkejenkins for her superb fiction, yet another wonderful Nine smut writer.
honorh for her fiction too.
Most of the above are here because they write really good fiction in my opinion. BUT they are all here because they seem really nice people too and finding out their journals have been updated always send me scurrying off to find out what they have put.
There are loads more who I would love to put here, but it said ten people, so if you are not here don't think that I don't look forward to reading your journals.