ive been browsing the new york times tonight and a couple things caught my attention
in the future, male models will now also be encouraged to be anorexic: aka
the vanishing point. the boys cant let women win that one huh? apparently its not bad enough that the media is obsessed with youth for the female gender and wants to sells us images of looking like we are 14 for the rest of enternity. now, its trendy for men to also look like they havent hit puberty. excellent, lets all live in never never land with our magic fairy dust and hang out with the lost boys. oh wait, lost boys = what is being encouraged here? some of the photos of models on the runway are just hideous. they looks like children wearing their pyjamas at boarding school.
the best quote was "I personally think that it’s the consumer that’s doing this, and fashion is just responding". uh-huh. yeah, because any red blooded beer drinking, barbequeing, football watching, regular guy wants to lose weight and shop with his son in the boys department. riiight.
who gave the media so much power to manipulate the minds of the commonfolk? can they take it back now, please?
the next one:
obama is a mac and hillary is a pc. to start off, i dont have that much of a preference which democrat wins the next us election. it would be nice if the voting population would actually get rid of the republicans since they failed miserably at the last attempt. the article compared the websites of
barack and
first strike went to obama: i dont want a welcome message asking for my email and zip code. the times gave you rave reviews on how awesome and easy to navigate your website was, IP RECOGNITION. i am not in america and i dont want to be on your mailing list, nor do i want to have to click through the screen.
second strike went to obama: way too much text and i have to scroll too far down the page.
third strike: obama for the youtube video. i am on fucking slow internet i dont have to patience for that to load.
thumbs up to every possible social networking site on obama.
clinton's site i think is more simple. however the times interviewee had a different opinion: "Hillary’s text is all caps, like shouting" -Jason Santa Maria, creative director of Happy Cog Studios. dear jason, please open the door and actually leave the house for once if the you think the website is shouting at you.
clinton's site has graphics and whether or not they look like parody ads, is up to the user to decide. i dont think they do. someone like my mom who could represent an average voter if she were american, would easily navigate the clinton site because it had more catchy visuals and was overall clearer.
so, obama get a win for tech geeks. clinton gets a win for the rest of the normal people who know how to socialize offline. the tech geeks represent how much of the voting public again?
oh and one more that was on channel 10 news tonight. omg, britney is out of rehab. that is so important to my functioning for the rest of the day, i so HAD to know that. can the media please forget that this girl ever existed. perhaps some the problem is amplified by the cameras that follow her around everywhere. how sad is society when a substance abusing entertainer is whats important?