Jan 11, 2008 13:01
huzzah! radiohead will play in toronto. one of the multiple bands who came through the city within the 4 months after i left in 2006. heres hoping i will still be there this time.
and of course, i find that the school of graduate studies has lied to me yet again. another problem of having multiple uninformed people working in a place like that. my candidature does not automatically lapse. the process for MSc does not equal that of PhD, i found that out today. they would happily let me continue paying more fees to them forever more it seems. i have to put an end to my candidature by either submitting my thesis or discontinuing as a student. the former will not happen before i leave melbourne. today i was told that the latter will keep me in good standing as a student even without submitting. i have to discontinue before 2 years of enrollment has occurred or i will be paying more. the university already has enough of my money.
ive packed up a heap of stuff to send home with my mom. its mildly entertaining how much i have acquired in two years. i really just need to throw most of it out and stop buying more possessions i dont require.
stupid uni,