Title: Touched One Another (For the First Time?)
Fandom: Speed Racer
Pairing: Racer X/Speed
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: 3,240
Warnings: Porn. Really gratuitous porn. NSFW. Etc. Also, y'know, the whole gay incest thing. Enter at your own risk.
Summary: This is his chance to end this, he realizes acutely. He can stop this here, get back into the Mach 5
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Comments 18
It's an interesting pairing to me, because the whole "I'm not Rex" scene doesn't do anything to erase the very obvious connection between the two of them, and it's easy for me to see Speed reinterpreting that connection in this direction. I agree, it would definitely be interesting to explore his reactions to finding out the real truth. (I'm likewise interested in Rex's headspace, but I didn't want to get into it in this fic.) Incest pairings! Bring on the angst! \0/
I think I'm like, the porn version of Johnny Appleseed or something. "A rare pair in need of smut?? TO THE SOLAR-MOBILE!!" /0/
...And then you explain how Speed's gotten to the mindset of "I have to go." All in all, this is a wonderful piece that would fit spot on in the movie-- with the exception of the NC-17 in a PG-esque movie part.
I'm really thrilled that the "everything is related to cars" thing worked; I confess, I always get nervous doing something so thematic like that, since it can get... kitschy? kind of eyeroll-inducing? But then I figured, well, it is Speed, after all... XD So yes, I'm so glad you liked it!
As far as the fall-out if/when Speed finds out... Hm. Possibly I have incentive to write more, here. XD It's certainly interesting to think about! There are so many ways his reaction could go, really.
"sweat and leather and oil and engine grease" - yes I suppose that's exactly what X would smell like... "a thousand sparkplugs all heaped together"... mm, Speed's not the only one...
I agree with Raythe - the tactile imagery - sensuous (in that it makes every sense vivid) and of course sensual to the nth degree!
And welcome to the comm - we're a small group but very friendly! And hope to hear more from you!!
Well, it's the scene that took place in my head, anyway. XDDD Ack, I'm letting my self-indulgence show! I'm really glad you enjoyed it, and thank you so much for the fantastic feedback! <3
I hope you'll like some of my fics too - I wrote a Speed & X-on-the-hood-of-the-Mach 5, some time ago... (I looove long comments too, and I'm not too proud to beg! - and that's my self-indulgence showing...!) A lot of my stories are under my pen-name Bara no Kishi.
Anyway, glad to have you aboard!
Sounds fun! I really do love small fandoms; you definitely get a sense of community that sometimes the big fandoms lack. ^^ (Though I may have to avoid middle-of-the-night discussions if I want to be at all functional at work! That's actually a total lie, though, as anyone at twitter_trek could tell you.)
Stay with us please? I love your writing!
Honestly, I'm never quite sure what I'm going to end up writing next, but the reaction to this fic has been quite lovely, and I'm tragically easy like that. *g* Plus, I do love these boys, so I'm hoping to keep writing them!
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