EDIT: Okay. So
shananagin has a point, which is that my fandoms are so tiny that no one really gives a rat's ass what I post. Therefore, I have downgraded the journal to "Adult Concepts", which should be just fine, methinks. I'll go through and manually downgrade the humor/fluff/completely nonexplicit stories I have posted to "no adult content", to make this whole thing as accessible as possible. Should be done later tonight. (12/01/07 .. well, okay it's technically the 2nd, but ... yeah. Nevermind.)
Since LJ put in these new settings, I figured I should post to let everyone know that this LJ is now filtered to 18+ audiences only. I dislike doing it, but since there IS NC-17 rated content on this puppy, and I don't want to get the hit with the banhammer, I kinda have to (I think. But I'm not gonna test TPTB, yanno?).
Anyway, if you're under 18 (and haven't lied about your age, which to my mind says you're both under 18 and really dumb) you can't see this warning, so I guess it's not really very critical to anyone's life, but I figure I should explain myself. (ETA- Never mind. Apparently you can set the individual entry's warning level as something different from the whole journal's (if it works right), so I'm putting this one as "no adult content", since it doesn't have any, and so everyone can read it.)
This also means that you have to be logged in to LJ to read my stuff. Sorry about that, but. Well, like I said. Banhammer avoidance is my number one goal, here. Hopefully it won't be too painful to log in in order to read. :\
*hugs to all*
I'll have a new fic or two up later tonight, just so I don't feel like I'm flist spamming. And also because everyone on
johnny_peter was so great about giving me prompts last night. =D