Here, have bullet-point life:
- I wanna see Kannazuki no Miko. I have no idea whether it's any good. I'm also totally squeeing over Princess Princess, but I think I said that already. And yesterday at anime night a character started playing a song and the first six notes were from one of my songs which kind of fruck me out. But then it became completely different. So that was better.
- Does anyone know a 501(c)(3) that could use a 3/4 ton pickup truck? Directly, I mean, not auction-and-take-the-proceeds; I know a lot of ways to do that. But with the auto market in the toilet, sales attempts are full of fail so far. (Not unlike the two stores I put up for Cascadian Mecha Militia and League of Disgruntled Software Workers swag. Snif.)
- This whole mini-RBL+our blacklist+greylist thing is full of awesome. Since I threw it online, across four accounts, I've gotten two pieces of spam handed to spamassassin. (And, of course, zero in actual inboxes.) It's so far down that I've actually reported spam to postmasters again, since in this one case it came from an actual mail server of an actual (tiny) ISP. (They have two Class Cs. OooooOOOooo. Their mail servers are named things like "fish" and "fish2" and so on, meaning we received spam from, um, fish. In Canada. Nigerian scam mail, only rebranded North Korea. The fact that the count enough is low enough for me to care again is epic win.)
- My throat is still terrible. This is really bad. If I'm lucky, I'll be able to practice again by Saturday. That'll give me a week and two days to try to whip this Beethoven thing back into something like shape. AGH HATE HATE HATE NANG DIE. I'm dosing it constantly with nasty medicinal teas and it's helping a lot - two days ago I got about 10 minutes of practice before hitting FAIL (but otherwise felt fine), yesterday I couldn't talk (but felt fine, maybe a little tired), today I can talk a bit but I'm still all low like this which is weird and unpleasant. Also, I can't do much flute practice, as that seems to dry out my throat pretty seriously.
- I'm done with the extra research I wanted to do for my next article, so I start writing it tomorrow, which is good; it's not due for a week and a half, but I don't want to push it. I like being able to do drafts, let them sit for a day, and come back to them.
And that's it for today's Bullet-Point Life. Yay?
ETA: Fred is in REM sleep and twitching furiously. HOW CAN THESE CATS BE SO CUTE?! ^_^