The war is won. Oasis and the Concordat are at peace. Overwatch has been folded up again, this time made into an intelligence arm for Helix, under new - and the UN hopes better - leadership. The Gods are free - largely - to do as they will.
But the Great Game never ends, not even with victorious Gods - it merely changes. And as the dust settles, old players begin feeling out their new positions - and questioning their old relationships.
Of Gods and Monsters: The Arc of Dominion
Saga 22: The Undying Spiritssolarbird and bzarcher
Of Gods and Monsters: The Arc of Dominion is a continuance of
The Arc of Conflict,
The Arc of Ascension,
The Arc of Creation, and
In the Beginning, There Was an Armourer and a Living Weapon. To follow the story as it appears,
please subscribe to the series.
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