Of Gods and Monsters, Fragment s4,1: late November, 2077

May 16, 2018 18:10

Of Gods and Monsters
Of Gods and Monsters, Fragment s4,1: late November, 2077
solarbird and bzarcher

Lena's all excited, because it's a holiday, and time to make a cake!

Of Gods and Monsters is a side-step/alternate-ending sequel to The Armourer and the Living Weapon, told in a series of eddas, sagas, fragments, texts, and cantos, all of which serve their individual purposes. Eddas and Sagas appear late Sunday/early Monday, fragments, texts, and standalone cantos appear Thursday and/or Friday. To follow the story as a whole, please subscribe to the series.

Because this is a co-authored work, I'm only posting links here.

Also posted to ソ-ラ-バ-ド-のおん;
comments at Dreamwidth. Please comment there.

talon!tracer, oilliphéist, winston, lena "tracer" oxton, oasis, of gods and monsters, also on ao3, danielle guillard, emily "oilliphéist" gardner, widowmaker

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