Of Gods and Monsters, Edda 4: The Ostrich Feather of Ma'at (a.k.a. The Ever-Shifting Balance)

Apr 15, 2018 18:53

Of Gods and Monsters
Edda 4: The Ostrich Feather of Ma'at (a.k.a. The Ever-Shifting Balance)
solarbirdy and bzarcher

Talon scrambles, reasserting its positions in the aftermath of its civil war. Moira O'Deorain's control over the board grows, as she brings on ever more allies, while simultaneously looking for even more candidates to be Changed, to further extend her influence.

But her adopted daughter - and loyal Weapon - Lena "Tracer" Oxton is unhappy, as are her wives. They demand, unexpectedly, that nothing else proceed until Angela's wife Fareeha is properly fixed, and her unsettled mind calmed, once and for all.

Of Gods and Monsters is a side-step/alternate-ending sequel to The Armourer and the Living Weapon, told in a series of eddas, sagas, fragments, texts, and cantos, all of which serve their individual purposes. Eddas and Sagas appear late Sunday/early Monday, fragments, texts, and standalone cantos appear Thursday and/or Friday. To follow the story as a whole, please subscribe to the series.

Because this is a co-authored work, I'm only posting links here.

Also posted to ソ-ラ-バ-ド-のおん;
comments at Dreamwidth. Please comment there.

talon!tracer, oilliphéist, moira o'deorain, blueberry lemon tea, mercy, lena "tracer" oxton, overwatch au, angela ziegler, overwatch, emily "oilliphéist" gardner, pharah, widowmaker,  maximilien, fareeha amari, widowtracer, talon!emily, satya vaswani, of gods and monsters, symmetra, talon!mercy, gingerspider, danielle guillard

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