Honestly, why would you want to?
It’s all Day Jobbe crap today, so little time to talk about anything. But I have experimental evidence now: medium-distance micing and overhead micing both can work in this room. Rawk. I also got some drum work in on the soundtrack album, and started working up some mandolin as well. This weekend: Angry Birds Handegg, more recording with Leannan Sidhe, plus other things I won’t talk about, because…
this short animated video. It comes from and includes a key point from a Derek Sivers TED talk. (Full talk
here.) He talks about yet another bit of primate psychology that backfires and stops you from getting things done; being aware helps.
Also for your enjoyment:
a Raspberry PI supercomputer in a Lego cabinet, and some distinctly weird
Death Ghosts of Europe.
Finally, I learned something this week:
Looks like the vast lonesome shapes are seeping down from dark stars;
better set up more baffles
The last one is totally real. It’s called “
rifle.” As in, get a, and use it on anybody wanting to set up a shotgun mic.
All for now; have fun this weekend. Ja ne!
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