I’m in Vancouver, at VCON! Or will be by the time this schedule post goes live. XD Here, have some toys while I’m gone:
ONE: The Mighty If! shot this and was kind enough to let me repost it. If you’ve ever had terrible, terrible, terrible housemates - as so many of you have, and I have too? Well, then, this song is dedicated to you:
Click to view
This is a working radio built in the form of a map of the London Underground. There’s a video at the article; play it, it’s worthwhile.
THREE: One million-millionth of a second exposures. That is, yes, 1,000,000,000,000 frames per second. Watch light pulse through a bottle, and observe the shockwaves. It is utterly astounding:
Click to view
Have a great weekend, everybody!
Mirrored from
Crime and the Blog of Evil. Come
listen to our music!
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comments at Dreamwidth.