Once upon a time, not that long ago, there was a performer named
Meg Davis. She was a folk musician, starting to break out in the late 70s, with songs such as “Captain Jack and the Mermaid,” “The Elf Glade,” and others.
I didn’t hear any of it until later. “The Elf Glade” was the first song I learned to play on flute, back when I finally did. I still play it. It’s notated as to be played “with nasty intent;” I like that.
I never got to see her live; a triple-whammy of multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, and arthritis ended her ability to play out by 1992.
But she still wants to be able to return to her music, it seems. With recent technological developments, she thinks this is possible, and she’s trying to put together a set of equipment she can use around her disabilities. She has some of it. She needs help buying an iPad2.
I was asked to spread the word. Below, please find a message I received, forwarded from Meg. I’ve edited it for length. I know it’s January, and you’re all spent out. But if this can happen - it’d be worthy.
My Dear Peeps,
I have a plan for all who wish to help me create using new technology. Although the main idea behind this fundraiser is for me to get a recording set-up to do new music, it may be that I end up creating art, poetry or fantastic stories. I could record some of my storytelling or video my animations… all kinds of neat things could happen. [...] And, of course, when I have something ready to publish to the world you will get it free first.
[...] I have a friend from the Blind Association who provides guidance now when my vision goes wonky and has guided me to the computer stuff created for folks with ‘low vision.’ Consequently, I have lost my fear that I would not be able to use the iPad. Now that I know its capabilities I see nothing but promise.
My Paypal account will only be used for the iPad2 purchase and I’ve already had a contribution. I’ve been told to get the 64Gig iPad2 for maximum recording space. I can get a 5% discount through my Discover card so the cost from Apple will be around $665.
The other things I need, mic, speakers plus software will be managed with funds from Santa and my Birthday fairy (on Jan. 28).
Well, that’s plenty for now. Let me know how you feel about this. Now that I have figured out a way to ‘repay’ anyone who helps me I feel a lot better. How I will repay YOU will take a wee bit more effort ;)
My best to you this Hogmannay (New Year’s Eve),
:) Meg
If you want to help,
here’s your contact link.
Separately, we have posters for
our show with Kräken-Röhl and Leannan Sidhe in Seattle on the 27th! Please download and post:
print resolution JPEG,
500 pixel JPEG,
massive PDF. Thanks!
Mirrored from
Crime and the Blog of Evil. Come
listen to our music!
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