Conversations with M14Mouse

Jan 12, 2010 22:50

Mouse and I always have the best conversations. We started discussing Supernatural after she went on a search for caps and got scared by people in the forums.

M14Mouse 9:40 pm
Next time, I wander around to look for caps and find scare people on message boards...Shoot me.

solarbaby614 9:40 pm

M14Mouse 9:41 pm
People are scarey...and crazy.

solarbaby614 9:41 pm
I thought you'd feel right at home?

M14Mouse 9:43 pm
Crazy part yes...scarey part no...I am not. >.> At least, I don't think so.

solarbaby614 9:44 pm
You're not too scary.

M14Mouse 9:45 pm
YAY! ^___^ I was looking for SN caps again...came across Spoilers things((I am too curious for my own good...and well...uhh...scarey people?))
Really angry scarey people.

solarbaby614 9:49 pm

M14Mouse9:50 pm
No snickering...It was scary. Although, I did get the answer to my question...and spoiled...Don't know if that was a good or bad thing...yet

solarbaby614 9:50 pm
What question was that?
Was it about pie?

M14Mouse 9:51 pm
Dean always get pie. He likes has a pie obsession or something

solarbaby614 9:51 pm
Pie is good.

M14Mouse 9:51 pm
It is.

solarbaby614 9:52 pm
That's why theres an actual genre for SPN only (at least I've never seen it anywhere else) called pie!porn

M14Mouse 9:55 pm
I have seen one....but that is beside the point. XD About Sam's powers and I was disappointed no Sam-Dean body switching episode...that just sucks. Because it would have been awesome.

solarbaby614 9:57 pm
But... but... we do! Check the 28th.

M14Mouse 9:59 pm
Cupid? ::Blinks.:: Oh....><
@___@ ::Blinks.:: Naked Cupid?
::pokes brain.::

solarbaby614 10:04 pm

M14Mouse 10:05 pm
And Micheal and Dean episode...which I knew was coming. But I have no clue how I feel about it. ::Pokes brain again.::
I am curious what he looks like and all...but the angels track
And angels make me want to stabs things. ::Theo bunny hands her Sam/LUcifer bunny.:: >.> Not funny. ::Theo bunny pouts.::

solarbaby614 10:09 pm
I like Cas and that's pretty much it.
And Gabe in fics when slashed with Sam.

M14Mouse 10:10 pm
Yup. I agree with you there. Sam needs an angel. ::nods nods.::
Techinally, he does...but his angel is cracky and wants to destory world and chocolate. That won't do.

solarbaby614 10:12 pm
Maybe if he gets laid he won't want to.

M14Mouse 10:13 pm
::Snorts.:: Maybe....Can you imagine how that conversation would go?

solarbaby614 10:13 pm
Gabriel: I want to fuck you.
Sam: 0.0 WTF?!

M14Mouse 10:14 pm
LOL!!! Yes, Sam does need to get laid more often. Dean is right on that point. Sam seems a little more happier after sex.
..........::Burst into giggles.:: Bad thought...Bad. ::Giggles so more.::
How do you feel about if they have a Season 6?

solarbaby614 10:20 pm
I would be extremely pleased. Especially if there was more Castiel.

M14Mouse 10:23 pm
LOL! I knew that would be your answer. Me? I don't know. Part of me wants to say yes! Because it is SN...and Sam and Dean and Cas and Bobby. Another part of me...what the crap do they do next? I mean...the end of world is pretty big deal.

solarbaby614 10:23 pm
I don't know. Buffy managed to avert it for like 7 seasons.

M14Mouse 10:24 pm
True...But Season 7 sucked. ........

solarbaby614 10:25 pm
Very true. That's why it was moved to UPN, where tv shows go to die.
But Buffy averted the apocolypse on a weekly basis. Granted, I don't think they ever involved the devil. I guess The First was the closest thing they had.
Dude! Next season.... ALIENS.

M14Mouse 10:27 pm
@__________@ Oh, boy...

solarbaby614 10:27 pm
It's the next logical step! Supernatural in SPACE!

M14Mouse 10:27 pm
.............Poor Sam, Dean, and Cas.

solarbaby614 10:28 pm
Maybe they'll pull a Battlestar Galactica (or Stargate Universe... even Farscape might count) and get stranded on a ship.

M14Mouse 10:28 pm
::Burst into giggles.::

solarbaby614 10:28 pm
See! It's amusing!

M14Mouse 10:29 pm
I could watch them on a ship. But doesn't Dean get afraid of planes.

solarbaby614 10:30 pm
Dean: *hyperventalating*
Sam: Dude, we're in SPACE. It doesn't count!
Castiel: *blinks*

M14Mouse 10:31 pm
LOL! Cas would think of it as home.

solarbaby614 10:31 pm

M14Mouse 10:31 pm
:-) We have the most interesting conversations.

solarbaby614 10:32 pm
We do.

M14Mouse 10:32 pm
It is because we are awesome.

solarbaby614 10:32 pm
That goes without saying.

M14Mouse 10:43 pm
So, we are awesome...and we need to get Bobby in space too. Because boys get into too much trouble without him.

solarbaby614 10:44 pm
Bobby can be the pilot. Like the octopus like pilot in Farscape.

M14Mouse 10:44 pm
LOL! And he would call them idiots when Dean try to drive the ship....because you know once Dean gets over his fear...he is going to try and drive it.

solarbaby614 10:45 pm
Bobby: No, no, no. You have to put it into 27th gear!
Dean: *changes gear*
Bobby: THAT'S 39TH GEAR.
*ship proceeds to stall*
Bobby: DAMNIT!

M14Mouse 10:49 pm
LOL! ::Cas and Sam holds onto things or/and buckle up in their chairs.::

solarbaby614 10:49 pm
The ship jerks to a stop and Sam goes flying. Castiel just stands there.

M14Mouse 10:50 pm
LOL! ::Bobby and Dean continues to fight over the controls.;: Sam: I like it better when he was afraid of planes. ::The ship shifts again.::
....We totally need to write.

solarbaby614 10:52 pm
Yes, we totally do.

M14Mouse 10:52 pm
...We need a villian. .....>.> Are they even allien demons?

solarbaby614 10:53 pm
Maybe thats where demons came from. Aliens who got stranded on earth a long time ago.

M14Mouse 10:54 pm
So...Lucifer exported?

solarbaby614 10:54 pm

M14Mouse 10:55 pm of those words...Maybe, both? Since Lucifer maybe experimenting with demons in space?

solarbaby614 10:55 pm
I have Roswell/SPN bunny now.

M14Mouse 10:56 pm
::Burst out laughing then collapses.::
My fault, huh?

solarbaby614 10:58 pm

M14Mouse 10:58 pm
YAY! ^___^ We have demons in space...oh, there are ghosts...oooo...uhh....Dark Varth...because Dean would get a kick out of that.

solarbaby614 10:59 pm
Cas: *tries to use angel power*
Max: *uses glowy green shield*
Cas: *FAIL*

M14Mouse 10:59 pm
LOL!!!!! I have no clue what Rosewell is.

solarbaby614 10:59 pm

M14Mouse 10:59 pm

conversations, fandom: supernatural, mouse is awesomesause!, real life

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