Born Under A Bad Sign: Prologue

Jan 05, 2009 14:45

Title: Born Under a Bad Sign

Author: Solarbaby

Rating: T

Disclaimer: All I own is the plot.

Words: 524

Summary: Lothor kidnaps Cam when he’s a baby and raises him. The lines of loyalty will be drawn… Cam/Hunter

Notes: This idea has been floating in my head for awhile but it has officially been written for the Triple Threat Challenge at Power Rangers United.



Miko Watanabe smiled down at the bundle in the crib as it giggled up at her. She reached down only to have her son latch onto one of her fingers. The baby tugged it down and chewed on it for a moment. She laughed, pulling it away.

His face screwed up for a moment and the boy looked like he was going to cry.

“Shh,” She whispered. “It’s alright little Cameron.”

Cam glanced up at her quizzically before giving a yawn. He blinked blearily at his mother. Exhaustion tugged at his consciousness. It wasn’t long before he lost his fight with it and fell asleep.

She watched her son for a little bit longer. There was a noise from behind her that made her turn. A tall figure stood in the doorway, illuminate by the light from the hall. Miko gave her husband a grin. ‘He’s sleeping,’ she mouthed.

Kanoi nodded and motioned for her to step outside. As soon as she was within reached distance he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him. He placed a light kiss on her lips. A grin crossed his face as she pulled him back down, turning the kiss more passionate.

The two left the room, to wrapped up in each other to see the figure the shadows, sending them a look of vague disgust.


The man once known as Kiya Watanabe glared at the two as they left the room. Stepping out into the open, he jumped slightly as gentle cooing began echo through the room. His eyes landed on the crib.

He glanced over into it. A set of eyes blinked up at him. The man froze; ready to bolt the moment the crying began. But instead of crying, he got something unexpected.

The baby smiled at him.

Stunned, he watched as the child reached up for him. He just stared down at the baby. A puzzled expression crossed the baby’s, Cam’s his mind supplied, face and he held his arms up again. Leaning over the edge of the crib, the man pulled Cam into his arms.

Cam giggled up at him and began to wave his arms around. The baby stared up at this man he had never seen before. He looked similar to the other man that was always holding him. That one made him feel safe and warm. This one… this man was holding him kinda awkwardly and staring at him like he was some kind of foreign creature. He smiled up at him, hoping he would get the same reaction that he had gotten from others. Instead, the man just seemed confused.

The smile disappeared, replaced with a frown. He glanced down at the leather clad hand that was covering the blanket on his stomach. Reaching down, he grabbed that hand and pulled. It remained firmly where it was. Cam tried again, and this time the man let his hand be pulled. He giggled again and played with the hand. The man seemed to relax slightly and his hold on Cam became a little stronger, a little more sturdy.

With that, Lothor grinned as he and his nephew disappeared.

fandom: power rangers ninja storm, fic: born under a bad sign, pairing: cam/hunter

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