- Post a list of your five favorite kinks/acts or themes in your journal. Inspiration can be found here. At the bottom, add what fandoms/pairings you're interested in.
- Comment to the
master post with a link to your post.
- Read other people's lists and post comment-fic based off their themes.
- The Five Acts Meme will last May 8-May 15.
1. Biting (marking, nipping, chewing)
2. Possessiveness or jealousy
3. Restraint (pinning someone down; pushing someone's arm up behind their back during sex; covering or clasping someone's hands to prevent movement)
4. Pampering (spoiling someone rotten with gifts or money; physical pampering such as massage and grooming; giving someone a novel or unexpected degree of emotional or sexual care; catering to someone's every whim, e.g., someone who is in the hospital; harems as settings for pampering)
5. Falling (falling from grace; going bad; turning to the Dark Side; Faustian deals; succumbing to temptation or addiction; degradation and descent in general)
Tribe: Ram/Trudy, Luke/Jack, Lex/Jack, Bray/Lex
Bandom (includes Killjoy'verse): Gerard/Frank, Gerard/Mikey, Ray/Mikey Party Poison/Gerard, Party Poison/Kobra Kid, Party Poison/Fun Ghoul, Gerard/Kobra Kid, Pete/Patrick, Brendon/Spencer, Brendon/Spencer/Ryan
Grimm: Nick/Monroe
Once Upon a Time: Snow White/Regina, Snow White/Charming, Hatter/Belle (don't judge me), Hook/Aurora
Being Human (US): Adian/Josh
Thor: Thor/Loki
Merlin: Arthur/Merlin, Merlin/Gwaine
Power Rangers: Jason/Billy, Hunter/Cam, Conner/Kira, Madison/Daggeron, RJ/Casey, Dillon/Ziggy, Wes/Eric
XMen First Class: Eric/Charles
Jane by Design: Jane/Billy, Jane/Jeremy
Santa Clause: Charlie/Bernard
Numb3rs: Don/Charlie
Shelter: Shaun/Zach
White Collar: Peter/Neal
Supernatural: Dean/Castiel, Sam/Gabriel
Big Wolf On Campus: Tommy/Merton
H2O Just Add Water: Lewis/Cleo, Zane/Rikki
Fast and the Furious: Dom/Brian, Carter/Brian
Leverage: Nate/Elliot
Terminator Sarah Connor Chronicles: Derek/John
Eureka: Nathan/Jack
Stargate SG1: Jack/Daniel
Ocean Girl: Neri/Jason
Star Trek AOS: Kirk/McCoy, Chekov/Sulu
Alice: Alice/Hatter
American Idol: Adam/Kris, Cook/Archuleta
Boy Meets World: Shawn/Cory
UnNatural History: Henry/Jasper
Eerie Indiana: Marshall/Dash
Tin Man: Glitch/Wyatt
Addams Family: Wednesday/Joel
Tower Prep: Ian/Conner, Ian/Conrad, Ian/Coach
Percy Jackson: Percy/Luke, Percy/Apollo
Victorious: Beck/Tori, Beck/Tori/Jade, Tori/Jade, Robbie/Beck
Revenge: Nolan/Emily
Labyrinth: Sarah/Jareth
This entry was originally posted at
http://solarbaby614.dreamwidth.org/120640.html. Please comment there using OpenID.