Hello Thar!!

Aug 23, 2013 21:42

Well, holy crap. It certainly has been a while. I probably won't remember everything that's happened since Februry but, meh.

Work has been hell. In may I was shifted over to the "cake" side of bakery and am now a cake decorator. I love it, but at the moment there are only 3 of us working on that side and we're supposed to have SEVEN. AT LEAST. I am so very very burnt out. I haven't seen the demons all summer and I missed out on a few family camping trips and just...way too much. It's causing me a lot of worry and stress and lack of sleep and Mom is now freaking out because she's worried I'll end up in hospital with exhaustion.

It may be a good excuse. ;)

Demons started school on August 12th! They both managed to be accepted into a charter school that is much smaller and not run by the damn government so much. #1 LOOOOVES it. #2 is having difficulties waking up at 5:40 in the morning. We have to leave for their bus stop at 6:50am or so, and their school actually starts at 8am. So, #2 is cranky and a bit psycho at day's end - which I'm hoping will clear up in a few weeks.

Also this summer both demons learned how to ride their bikes without training wheels. I am so proud of both of them. Especially #1. Because of his Autism he tends to have balance issues, and when he rode his bike he aways tended to lean to the left. We bought him some really awesome specially made training wheels even. But, they went to my parents' for one weekend in June and BAM! Grandpa taught them how to ride on two wheels. It was a great surprise for me. So, when I have gotten spare time we've gone out on many bike rides and it's just been lovely.

That's about it for now. I have more I want to say about another subject but I'm going to wait until I can wrap my head around the situation and what's going to happen in the future. It's something I have to do on my own (not like I have anyone to support me anyways, around here [physically], at least).


work sucks ass, life changes, demons

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