Apple is the Next Sony

Apr 25, 2010 09:38

A few years ago I had a conversation with a friend about Apple Computer basically taking over the electronics world. I was convinced that Apple would leave the computer business as we know it. They would eventually be all stereos, TVs and appliances.  My friend disagreed.  The Mac is just too strong.  I countered that the MAC OS would finally port to other platforms.  I was wrong.  Sort of….

My view has changed just a little bit.  Since our conversation(s), Apple officially dropped “Computer” from their name  introduced a game changing telephone, and changed the way the world buys music.

So, I know that everyone has an opinion about Apple.  They are the biggest thing in tech news right now.  But I have a different approach, I think.

Lets examine the situation shall we?

Consumer Electronics:  Apple turned the world on its ear with the introduction if iTunes.  iTunes is the backbone of all their blockbuster successes.  The iPod and iPhone would have been basically limp without the iTunes ecosystem to enhance their ease of use.  Every consumer driven product going forward will likely use iTunes as its backbone.

Computers: Apple built its computer reputation on its strength in content creation.  How long did we hear that The Mac was the best platform for artists.  Since those days Apple has made strong efforts to appeal to consumers.  Also, Windows fully caught up in ease of use (and for some surpasses the MAC in ease of use and content creation)  So where are we now? Apple continues to push its computers to the high end.  They have some of the most capable content creation apps in the industry.  The <> creative folks.  But what does it matter?  They still only get 5% or so of the personal computer market.  Here is how it matters.  Apple has created basically a vertical market.  So far its been a case of Apple convincing creation specialists that the MAC is the superior creation platform.  However, with the success of their consumer line, apple is becoming more and more comfortable with dictating content creation using their products.  Want to create apps for the iPhone or iPod?  You need a MAC.  And now that they are doing their best to drive a spear through the heart of Flash,  the door is wide open for an Apple home grown system of interactivity for its products.  In fact its really already there.  Apps.  Apps are the perfect web interactivity platform.  And Apple has 100% control over the App Market.

So What?

the iPod is easily one of the most successful consumer devices in history.  The iPhone is on its way to that same status.  Now with the introduction of the iPad, Apple has push its App platform into the general computing space.  I am pretty sure the iPad will be a huge success.

It is my personal belief that Apple will continue this push into the general computer market.  Apple realized that 90% of folks don’t need full fledged operating systems for most of what they do.  This is one of the reasons the iPad will be awesome.  If Aunt Jane wants to send off an email or look up a recipe, why should she wait for a device to boot up, open a web browser, and do whatever, when an iPad is instant on, swipe, press, and you are there.  Easy.  Now extend this to other uses. how about a Desktop that is instant on and over simplified?  It doesn’t appeal to me, but I am a geek.  But I imagine it appeals to many folks.  Apple isn’t the only company thinking about this.  Google is heading in the same direction, but Apple thought it through a little bit more.  Apps are definitely a richer experience, and of course Apple has more control over that experience than HTML 5, flash, and other emerging standards. 
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