First up, an insta-rec that had to wait until I got home from work:
Practical Volitation by
allothi Summary: Merlin learns to fly. (Literally).
(Merlin/Arthur, PG, 8500 words, spoilers through 1x13)
If you have not read this fic yet? Go read it right now. I've read some amazing Merlin fic. I've read Merlin fic that made me laugh my ass off, and I've read Merlin fics that made me want to cry. This one made me die of cute. The amount of adorable contained within this fic defies all rules of logic and physics and is possibly tearing a hole in space-time. It is relentlessly happy, and and even the tension is happy and adorable. I giggled and smiled and squeed my way through the whole thing. It is <3, my friends. <3.
And a rec some of you were too impatient to wait for:
Incurable by
warholhpSummary: Non-Magic AU. Harry Potter was not sent to Hogwarts at age 11 as his parents intended. Instead, when an altercation with his uncle turns violent, he is sent to St. Brutus's Secure Centre for Incurably Criminal Boys. Four years later, he takes the opportunity to attend Hogwarts, where he learns to live a life he never thought possible for himself. H/D and mentor!Snape.
(Harry/Draco, NC-17, ridonkulously long, basic knowledge will do 'ya)
This is that HP fic that I was having a blissful moment about the other night. It is, as the summary says, a non-magic AU, and it's done well. This is a fantastic AU, guys. Really, really fantastic.
warholhp takes familiar canon elements and twists them in fun and interesting ways; the world is both instantly recognizable and new and fresh at the same time. The fic also does something I love, which is deal with the fact that Harry was an abused child.
warholhp kicks up the level of abuse from what was present in the books (let's face it, they wouldn't have let JK go there), but it also deals with it, and not in the way that so many inferior authors do, by having a big crying session and Healing!Sex. The resolution is long, messy, and wrenching, and I was utterly transfixed the whole time. Definitely worth the hours required to get through it.
A small note: You can follow along by following the links to the next chapter that are included in each, but at one point the link didn't work for me.
warholhp has, however, helpfully provided a link to the Memories section where all the chapters can be found, so all you have to do is go there and pick the next chapter.