Sep 19, 2005 21:28
Macbeth rocked my socks. They all had kilts. KILTS. It was HOTT. And I'm a GUY. JESUS.
At the end I threw up the horns and yelled "ROCK ON!" Mollie gave me a weird look and I just said, "What? Kilts are hard rock!" She replied with, "You're preaching to the choir, man."
O MAN! APT was so awesome. I would sell my soul just to be on their troupe and perform in that theatre. Just outdoors, not covering, very erratic seat formations...and the aisles! They use the whole theatre instead of just the stage! That's like, my whole view on theatre right there! I wish I were part of APT...
Homecomink is a-coming up fast. Dad got me silver spraypaint and glitter for the danglybob, I need to re-fix the W broach, put ribbons on the hat...and fini. Now that I know we aren't going to a restaurant, I might be able to go all night in the costume (mebbe, prolly, kindasorta...)
I'm uber excited now.
"Find me and follow me..."