Mar 10, 2014 09:56
What do you mean it's already March? What, March is halfway over, too?!?
This is pure insanity.
So, back in October I resolved to myself that I was going to get back in the habit of posting. This is something I resolve to do rather often, but something tends to get in the way. Rather, I tend to let something get in the way.
Here's what happened this time.
In November/December I was off at the USAF NCO Academy in Kaiserslautern, Germany. I had planned on giving updates from there, but the school ended up eating way more of my time than I had expected. To give you an idea, my typical day was waking up at 0600, showering/dressing, breakfast, class until 1700, then homework until it was time to sleep. The average week involved three papers, a speech, tons of reading, and about five pages of homework due, then I was also working on a video presentation which ended up taking a bite out of my free time. Overall, the class was great, and I ended up getting to hang out with friends from high school (on the other side of the planet) but I'm glad to have graduated so I don't have to go through all of that again.
January is where I have no excuse, though. I got back to work and my normal routine and even though I have LJ set as one of my homepages, I still never actually got around to posting anything. So much has been going on, too. More so in the world than in my personal life, but when you work at NATO, anything that goes on in the world will affect you. So, I watched the US steal winter from everyone else. For the first time in decades I didn't see snow or freezing temperatures or anything, this winter it never got below the mid 30s over here. I do so miss the snow, even if nobody has the ability to drive in it. There has also been everything going on in the Ukraine, I watched so much happen and saw it play out in a way that seemed orchestrated for months leading into the riots and responses. I was actually amazed at how long it was until US news started reporting on it.
In any case, I should probably wrap this up. The post has grown a bit and I don't want to bore all of my new readers so soon after my return. I hope all of you dear audience members are doing well. If you're in the US, I'm sorry about that hour, but we'll be losing ours in a few weeks, too.