....or too many. I wonder if anyone I know still posts over here. I could really use an outlet.
Since I've been on, too much has happened. Several men. A few women. Jeff moved to the west coast; my bitterness over the circumstances clouded my judgment to the point at which I responded by attempting to tie up other loose ends.
Moving to Maryland was probably one of the dumbest things I ever did. I got myself into a situation where I was basically expected to be THE Provider and given no leeway to actually, y'know, be happy. Then I gave in and moved to his parents' house in NJ "temporarily." That didn't work out. This has really been a terrible couple of years.
Right now, I'm in Columbus, OH - my dad's hometown!
salculd moved here and I'm helping him unpack his storage containers while fielding major guilt trips about not sending money back to NJ. Yes, I know that there are debts involved in this situation. No, I am not going to be shamed into doing things your way. You have left me so burnt out that I can barely bring myself to even think about talking to you. I need space. I think that's reasonable at this point. I'm so stressed that I have to force myself to eat.
I'll get through it, though. Always do.