herp derp derp application

Aug 13, 2010 16:24

1. Player Information
Name (or internet handle): Thano
Current characters in Bete Noire: --

2. Character Information
Name: Momiji Souma
Livejournal Username: solaeuftderhase
Fandom: Fruits Basket
Image: http://l-userpic.livejournal.com/87606683/19455437

3. Character Information II

Momiji looks somewhat younger than his seventeen years - he's always looked unnaturally youthful, but he's been growing into his age as of late (literally - he shot up at least fifteen centimeters within three years and, after being aged another year at Bete Noire, will probably have grown at least another two centimeters, putting him at 173 centimeters or 5'8" ft). He has blonde hair and friendly hazel eyes. He's half Japanese, half German, and tends to dress fashionably, if a little more conservatively than he did in his younger days.

History: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Fruits_Basket_characters#Momiji_Sohma


Momiji's greatest strength is his emotional and spiritual maturity. Although he may act childish and carefree, he has a lot going on in his head, stemming from intently observing and contemplating the things that people say and do around him. He's very good at analyzing the thought processes of others, then giving solid advice. To be honest, he can get slightly manipulative if he sees things aren't going "ideally", playing with people's emotions just to make a point. Fortunately, Momiji is the polar opposite of cruel; he may tease and play naïve to get his way, but never without good intentions. He doesn't have a vindictive or petty bone in his body; however, he isn't above losing a bit of his usual tact in order to make a point. He's an old head on young shoulders, articulate (except sometimes on the subject of idioms, which he tends to flip-flop or get wrong in general) and considerate, and adorable to boot, his enthusiasm sucking everyone into his adventures where he makes sure everyone has as much fun as possible.

Momiji's greatest weaknesses are that he's a bit of a pushover and a hopeless romantic, not to mention that he is rather close-mouthed about his own issues. Sometimes, when he pushes his (often very good) point, the other person pushes back, and he lets them; after all, he's hurt them first. Because of the way his existence revolted his beloved mother, he's minutely conscious of how much harm and good he does, and it hurts him to see someone he loves in pain, especially if he sees it as some sort of failure on his part to protect and care for them. To avoid too much emotional strain, he prefers to stay in a helper's role, keeping his own feelings out of a situation in order to better accommodate the feelings of others and protect himself. When the subject of his troubles come up, on the other hand, he tends to play them off as insignificant issues when they actually cause him a lot of grief. In situations where his desire to help and his emotions conflict, he can start behaving a little uncontrollably. In very private moments, he lets down his front as a cheerful helper, showing his surprisingly fragile, vulnerable ego. However, he gets over these bouts fairly quickly in favor of keeping a positive attitude. His sunny personality and goofy nature contribute to his resilience and good faith in other people.

The only other thing he may really be shy to talk about (because he talks a lot, mostly to make silly observations and to gently poke fun at everyone and everything) is his unrequited attraction to Tohru Honda. Tohru is one of his most important people, the first girl outside of the Souma family he knows he can trust and love deeply without reservations about his old curse, someone rare and good and openly affectionate. He is (still) very much in love with her and everything about her. Encouraging Kyo, his cousin, to take an active stance in pursuing her was probably one of the most, if not the most difficult decision he has ever had to make in his life. However, he's never really doubted his decision to do so. After all, as long as the Souma family is freed and Tohru is happy, he's pretty sure that he's happy, too.

Sexual Preferences/Orientation:

I almost put "Tohru-sexual" here, but that really isn't the case. He's a strong kid, and he's trying his best to move on from Tohru. The one thing he always repeats in the end of the series is his desire to get together with someone and start a family that he can lavish affection on, and affectionately (but firmly) excludes Tohru from this future.

I'd put him down as a one on the Kinsey Scale - as feminine as he may act sometimes, he has never shown interest in other males. I'm sure that the possibility exists, and I wouldn't be surprised if he did have a fling with another guy in the future, but for the moment, he is definitely into girls. He's definitely the type to date to settle down with someone rather than play around for too long.

Due to various extenuating circumstances, Momiji is very much a virgin. He's never had sex before, and has been, long story short, supernaturally cockblocked for most of his teenage life. THAT BEING SAID, he's fresh off the last of his canon, which means that said extenuating circumstances have been removed, which means that he is now free to experiment with his sexuality. That being said, HE PROBABLY WILL NOT. He loves loves loves having friends and sexing them up has evidently been the last thought on his mind (he'd rather spoil his loved ones silly.)

Not that he's, you know, completely innocent about the doing the dirty. Old head on young shoulders - he knows about tab A going into slot B, and makes naughty remarks in an innocent, offhand manner. He's just never had the opportunity to try it.


Jack-diddly. He can… play the violin like a fiend, though…?

Reason for playing:

I really love this kid. No joke. He is a gem and a star and is just generally sweet all around. That being said, I want to break him. He's been through so much crap and turmoil in his series, and he's so thoughtful and intelligent and emotionally turbulent that it's really a miracle that he's turned out so well. It isn't plausible. No one is as perfect as Momiji Souma. I want to see his issues played out once and for all.

He can be viciously manipulative at times, and as corny as it sounds, I wanna use that power for evil. He's corruptible. Heavily corruptible. He's got a superiority and an inferiority complex a mile wide just waiting to be tapped. He's selfish and greedy to the core and he's intimately aware of it, but he just hasn't had any bad wants… yet. If we ever get a Tohru and a Kyo in the future, I pity the poor things - he'd eventually want to steal her away and feed off her positivity like a really adorable yet deadly leech.

There are so many things I'd like to do with Momiji. He's a very complex kid, much much more than your average perky sidekick. He's got a hugely complicated moral compass that would be fun to toy with. He's a BRIGHT RAY OF JOY wherever he goes, even when he's being dastardly and manipulative, and… I love playing bright rays of joy. Plus, I've been playing him off and on for the past, lawdy, eight years. I know this kid inside and out and I miss playing him.

Yeah, that's it.

5. Samples (Please note that his first person sample was essentially the first post he made in the community, so I won't be putting that up. Also, his second third person sample is available upon request.)


Momiji recalled Haru saying one time that he was a really sensitive person. Silly Haru, so slow and so smart at the same time. Since Momiji was fast and smart, they fit each other well and understood each other even better.

Momiji wished he was here.

(Well, either him or Ha'ri; Ha'ri was better at maps and Haru was better at hearts.)

(The game, too.)

Gravel from the half paved (half-ruined) road crunched under his sneakers. This place was old. He'd never been farther out from Tokyo than Kyoto, but this didn't even feel like Japan any more. His eternally sunny attitude dimmed a little as he looked up at the tall, towering buildings, so very unlike the low, flat planes of his home. His footsteps were loud, and it felt hot here, or not cold. Warm in a way that turned his head around, looking for something. Nothing.

Like, is it my feelings? Kyo always makes fun of me…

No. You don't mind when he does.

It even smelled warm. Momiji walked, violin case weighing down his arm like a lead weight. If only someone was here, anyone - Kyo, to yell at him for getting so lost in the first place, dammit; Kagura or Kisa to hold hands with. Ha'ri to take command, find a way back home. Yuki to be quietly encouraging. Tohru, simply because.

Bu-uut what is it, then?

You see things better. When Rin's sad, or mad, you don't need to learn how to tell. You can taste food better. You know which parts count.

That's just silly! Food is food is food! To-mato, po-tahto! Except when it's Tohru-kun's cake!

He paused in front of signs, which pointed to the kinds of places he had only heard Aaya and Shii talk about. They talked about a lot of things he didn't quite understand. On a whim, he reached over and touched the door of one of the buildings, tracing a rusting crack with his thumb. This was something he understood, both under his finger and how it made him -

Feelings. That too. Haru had fixed him with a slow burn kind of stare that he usually saved for talking to Yuki. You know how to fix things, even though you don't. Or won't. He had paused. Maybe you can't. Or maybe this is how you fix things, but it just takes a long time.

How did he feel? Healthy, not bad at all. (Something in the air was making him flush; he didn't know what it was or from where it came.) He was lonely, though. And lost. And his cell phone had stopped working. And even if it was working, he knew who he would want to call, and he couldn't, even though he wanted to.

He fished the phone out of his pocket, scrolling down until her name was highlighted. Tohru-kun, with a heart at the end. He wanted to call her. He didn't. (But he did, in his mind, redialing over and over -)

He realized, offhandedly, that he wanted a lot of things.

bete noire rpg, application, ooc

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