characters: Beatrice and Isen
location: Sweetshop basement...
time: Evening sometime yes.
rating: M... just in case.
open/closed: Closed.
summary: Princess has been saved, rejoice! Expect someone is being incredibly creepy and is that a white streak in your hair?
just so we can all go out and die a little at night )
No, he still held the razor in his gloved hand, still stared at it like it was his closest companion and greatest enemy in the same breath. Midnight would end it, but that was still hours away. He could last that long-- he had to. The Princess was on the other side of the wall, resting quietly, and it wouldn't do to disturb the poor lady. There was the soft clatter of metal as his opposite hand trembled, frayed and loose wires trimmed back to appear similar to stubble on a smooth surface.
The next sound was the distinct thud of a blade plunging into a wooden post after being thrown from halfway across the room, followed by a disappointed growl. It wasn't nearly as satisfying, nearly as accomplishing as it was to be slicing the blade across the throats of enemy soldiers. Revenge. They'd done the same to him, after all. A hand went to his own throat, fingertips tracing the frayed cloth that covered the wound just so.
He smiled as he backed up against the wall, eyes downcast and clenched fists at his sides as he spoke in barely a murmur. Hopefully the princess would not wake to him in such a state. ]
There's a whole in the world like a great black pit, and the vermin of the world inhabit it
And its morals aren't worth what a pin can spit ...
the thud was loud enough to rouse the lady from her sleep, moving a mixture of surprised flailing and graceless scrambling to her feet with blade in hand. it took a moment for her to realize she was alone, a moment later to lower her weapon just a tad and look around again. it must have been Isen, there was none other than the store's owner who would come down here.
were this any other day she would've sat back down and continued to rest, but she did not. instead she went in search for the source of it, not so much curiosity fueling her actions than mild paranoia; an effect of staying in one place for longer than she would like.
she noticed the razor first, grip on her weapon growing that much more tighter, before her gaze moved to Isen. a frown gracing her features. the last thing she needed was her general to lose his mind, it was bad enough the rest of the city was ]
Must you be so loud.
It'd be dreadful if she were the next.
Glancing in her direction, he leaned forward in a formal bow, before moving to retrieve the blade from the plank it had cut into. ]
I do apologize, my lady. I had not meant to wake you.
[ every logical synapse in his brain was warning him, that several hours until the end of this unfortunate week was plenty of time for the princess to find herself in danger with him. There were too many thoughts he couldn't control, and not ones he wanted to tempt. The razor was folded and placed back in his coat pocket, running his hand through his hair after. ]
Perhaps it'd be best if you returned to your rest, princess. I'll be sure not to disturb you again.
she hook her head, crossing her arms underneath her chest. ]
An impossible feat, I am awake now attempting to return to sleep would be a fruitless endeavor. [ her mind was too awake, thoughts running around, adrenaline dancing in her blood from the small fright. ]
As you wish, my lady.
[ he knew he should've just broken into the cotton candy machine and see if a sugar induced coma would negate the effects of the curse any. The razor'd been put away, but Isen didn't want it out of reach entirely. Never know when the situation would call for it.
... those were disturbing thoughts to be having. His princess. Not any number of Avatican soldiers his City would be very pleased to be rid of. He looked away and rubbed his temples, as if the motion would send those thoughts away from him. It was still only for a few hours, but even a minute was a risk. His princess was not safe with him. Some General. ]
I can arrange for you to spend the remainder of the evening somewhere more ... accomodating, if you'd prefer. Somewhere with a proper mattress.
she shook her head, uncrossing her arms and locating a chair, sitting down and crossing her legs. she was digging her heels in, perhaps a foolish idea in the long run but for now it did not matter. she was not going to be forced out. ]
I do not plan on leaving. [ he would just have to accept it ]
[ ... did he just say that. Argh. His hands clench into tight fists, another deep breath. The curse made him a danger to her, and if she would not leave, then the only other option was to leave himself. He could only hope she would not follow. ]
I have some things to attend to. [ his hand hovered over the razor in his coat as he continued ] You should return to your rest.
if he was so intent on leaving her, then she would let him. but not before she could say what she needed to say, do what she had needed to do. after all this was the first time after her rescue that they were in the same room for more than a few seconds.
so she stood again, speaking nothing as she marched over and delivered a sharp punch to his jaw. ]
I told you that you would not escape being hit. [ frowning she turned around crossing her arms underneath her chest again and focusing her gaze on a wall ] If you still intend to leave, then you best be off.
That being said, that blow to his jaw still came as a surprise, knocking him off balance and sending him stumbling back against the wall. The next minute was a battle within himself; how dare she hit him and expect to get away with it. And no, damnit, no don't even think that.
Instead he took the moment to shift his jaw back into place, fairly certain she'd knocked it right out of alignment, and after another few moments to rub the soreness away, he spoke. ]
You've not gone back on your word yet, Highness.
[ ... ow. ]
she wouldn't stop him from leaving, but she didn't want to admit that she didn't want him to leave. she was still very much a child in that respect; selfish, needy, even clingy to a degree. she would not admit to such thing, she would to allow anyone to think she is nothing like the cool and collect woman she portrays herself as.
gripping her arms tightly she stood there, jaw clenched, eyes narrowed. prepared to remain somewhat irritation to hide anything and everything that would betray her. ]
Nor do I ever intend too.
[ most likely it wasn't the best reaction to her words, but it couldn't be helped, and as Isen leaned back against the wall and contemplated on fetching some ice he started chuckling softly. The both of them were fools, really. Strange how the curse had clouded his perception that way as well. Perhaps it had simply been a long week for both of them. ]
I expect nothing less.
[ because, of course, the princess would punch a hole in his skull if he ever came at her with a blade. ]
her grip increased and then relaxed, only to increase again as she shifted, turning on the side and looking at him. ]
I thought you had some things to attend too. [ somewhere she was happy he hadn't left, but at the same time it made her wonder... ]
Indeed I do. There's a cotton candy machine to break into.
[ he bows formally ] If you'll excuse me.
[ and then it's off towards the candy machine he'd passed by earlier, quite intent on figuring out how the blasted thing works and constructing a wig out of the pink fluffy stuff. ]
a sigh and she uncrossed her arms, allowing them to hang limply by her sides. alone with her thoughts again. too awake to fall back to sleep. this was a wonderful way to spend the rest of the night.
it didn't take the princess long to begin pacing. patience was never a virtue she had much of. ]
Perhaps he wanted target practice.
The machine for the cotton confectionaries was simple enough to figure out, if a bit slow in the candy making process. It whirred and hummed while it started up, and in the meantime Isen took to his own pacing as well, before his eyes landed on a selection of candied apples sitting on a shelf across the room. He stood still for a moment, sugary treats forgotten long enough for the curse to affect him once more, as if passing in waves.
From his pocket he withdrew the razor, and the other two alongside it. The blades were drawn, and just to make it more of a challenge he stood back further. One knife first, aimed, then sent speeding through the air to slice the first apple in half before lodging itself in the wall behind it. In the moments after the other two razors followed, each splitting the treats in half and landing in the wall beside the other blades.
The cotton candy machine announced it's completion of the candy making with a resounding "BING" at just that moment. ]
Ah. [ leaving the razors in the wall for now, he turned back over to the machine, having a seat on the counter beside it and peering inside. ]
If you wish to join me, my lady, you best hurry before I polish the entire contents off myself.
understanding him right now was becoming difficult, one moment he is urging her to sleep or even leave, the next he is inviting her to par take in devouring some fluffy sugar treat.
perhaps it was the punch. perhaps she had accidentally hit him harder than she had thought, causing some minor brain damage? either way a few moments of staring at the stairs and she sigh, shaking her head and ascending the stairs. ]
I feel you will do so regardless of if I join you or not. [ her sweet tooth could not even rival the size of Isen's. ]
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