(no subject)

Feb 20, 2010 00:50

characters: Selene Tarnei vindicares and Aaron Knox freien
location: the mothership Avatican flagship
time: Backdated to the 14th
rating: Gee
open/closed: Closed
summary: So Selene doesn't notice when her birthday rolls around but somebody else does.

[It's not really unusual for this captain to be wandering the halls, nor is it strange that she's got some papers in hand. What is different is what's written on them; it's not her handwriting, and it doesn't have anything to do with progress in Solace, what needs to be done, or a report of any kind.

Rather it's a notice of pending reassignment, which doesn't elicit much of a response at all. Selene just glances over the paper, reads the words again, and pockets it before she continues on her way.

It makes sense, she's not much more than auxiliary here. But she has to wonder what sort of task she'd be set to next. Her time in Solace doesn't feel like anything resembling success]

captain knox, captain tarnei

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