characters: All the assigned turncoats and all the rebels! 8) Idealistically.
location: Captured ship and the skies surrounding.
time: ...let me get back to you. A few days after the meeting?
rating: PG-13 for VIOLENCE?
open/closed: Closed to the above.
summary: It's time to wrangle us some rebels. &hearts
[ It's quieter than Kunsel expected, an uneasy sort of stillness in the air. Balthier's ship cuts through the overcast swiftly and silently, even the engines running at a low, barely audible hum. Glancing out the windows, the clouds seem thick and all-consuming, blanketing them in such a way that the ship's propellers barely stir it.
Kunsel feels like a predator, lying in wait. The ship's sensors alert them that they're approaching their destination, spiking Kunsel's adrenaline as he stiffens at the sound.
He and the other turncoats are gathered at the loading dock, the Avatican ship's schematics spread out before them. Last briefing before the mission, last rehearsal before the show. Just so they're all on the same page, just so they're as ready as they can be.
Because fighting an enemy is one thing. The strife there is the natural order of things. Fighting an enemy who was once an ally, now that's another story. That's its own grade of toxic. This will go smoothly for none of them, no matter how prepared they are. ]
Okay. Last run-through. [ Kunsel keeps his voice low, because it almost feels as though speaking too loudly will give their position away. ] Once we're in position, Balthier'll open the loading hatch and we'll get ready to deploy. After he fires the hookshots, the first wave goes. We'll be infiltrating above and below deck simultaneously, so watch yourselves and mind those propellers on the way down. Baltheir'll hand over controls to Alden and join the second wave. [ A nod to the Avatican guard who joined them to man the ship. ]
Then. [ Kunsel points to the path highlighted on the map. ] Since we don't know the position of the rebels, we split up and take the most direct route to the ship's brig. Our orders emphasize capture, but use whatever force necessary. We're spread too thin as it is to be down a man.
We overtake the brig as a first priority. From there, the plan is to neutralize all rebels and cuff them to the cells to minimize their chances of escape. Once they're all in the same room, I can put them to sleep so that we can safely fly the ship back.
Balthier, that's all you. Alden'll detach from us and fly your ship back to base.
Alright, that's about it. Any questions?
[ The ship's sensors beeped again to say they were in position, the ship coming to a smooth stop close enough for the hookshots to make purchase but far enough that the clouds still masked their presence. Kunsel's heart pounded against his chest. ]
It's time to go.
[OOC: This is the raid log, y'all! Turncoats, tag in WIRESKATING ONTO THE REBEL SHIP! Rebels, do your thing! We're logging this in threads, so either reply to a turncoat you want to bother, or just tag yourself in and one of us will claim you. 8) If you've made prior plans with someone, just mention it in your subject line so we know you're spoken for and don't threadjack unduly. Feel free to do log or action, however you like to roll~ And have fun!
This is what the rebel ship looks like.
Also just as a note: I'm bullshitting most of this, so it doesn't matter if you're in the first or second wave and it doesn't matter if you start above or below deck. Below deck peeps will be entering through those front windows; hopefully Selene doesn't mind some broken glass. xD; Anyway, just do whatever sounds like fun/a good idea to you/your character. :3 ]