Feb 08, 2005 21:55
Well I know I said nothing about whining....but...this is expressing and asking I guess hah....One of my very close friends that I have made in the past months was basically taken out of my life 2night...Due to poor choices in life...I ask you guys to pray for this close friend of mine, who I would basically consider a brother to me, I will not mention his name. But newayz....just pray for safety and that He would realize what he is doing is wrong. I guess I can't explain how this feels because, I've never really cried about a person doing this before...I've never had to deal with this kind of feeling before...it is definately weird. God is teaching me a lot of things through this though, thankfully, and growing me a lot spiritually. Life is not always what we think it is....night. God bless!
"Crawl away into the shell you put yourself in...crawl away...I watched you crawl away...not one set of footprints in this burning sand, it fell away, I watched it fall away...who am I....in your eyes....how does it feel? how does it feel you're asking"