Nov 11, 2005 20:50
Our washing machine EXPLODED.
So all the sudden my mom's banging on the door (I was listening to a mix really loud to drown out her Christmas music... don't worry, the annual Christmas Music Rant is on the way...) screaming and practically in tears, then she ran down the stairs where water was shooting out of the ceiling all over our vast collection of "Sentimental Value" books (also called the "my family is a bunch of memory-obsessed people who can't bear to let go" books) and the semi-new carpeting. So she's screaming and we're grabbing towels and armloads of books (which reminded me of work *shudder*) and we're running back and forth trying to save everything... We FINALLY got everything moved, and then she climbs on our rickety old barstool and is poking at the ceiling rambling about drains... Thankfully, nothing was damaged (except my socks... and my sweatpants... and my hands... stupid book shelf...) and everything is now piled in a haphazardly manner in the workroom... with the cats sniffing everything...
Oi vey.
So, now my mom keeps repeating the story over and over ('cause she's proud about noticing the explosion and yelling at me to save things) and my dad is in my kid sister's room, playing Pacman in the dark.
Ah, Friday nights.