In case you needed any further proof that Tom Cruise is bat-shit crazy. I'm sure in Tom Cruise's dream world, there's a Scientology center on every corner. They slide down poles and hop in their Hubbardmobiles, ready to come to the rescue. Who you gonna call?
In case you needed further proof that American entertainment is going straight to hell. I am fully aware that the current strike has much to do with this new onslaught of shameless condescension of John Q. Public, but I am also fully aware that this, more than likely, isn't that far from what we'd be seeing this season had the strike been avoided. I mean, come on. Secret Talents of the Stars? You fucking kidding me? Are we already starting to run out of hoops for the D-Listers to jump through in order to maintain some form of notoriety? What's next? Celebrity Staring Contest? Shit Kathy Griffin Found At a Yard Sale?