Apple and 20th Century Fox sign a deal to make movie rentals available through the iTunes store. This is the development Mac users have been waiting oh-so-patiently for. I, for one, am more than excited about this. If this pans out, I'll rush to get an AppleTV, as well as officially sever my relationship with Netflix. As it stands, I'm getting screwed by Netflix and a Mac user due to their "Watch Now" feature, which is only available on Windows machines, meaning I'm getting less for my money than the average user. Netflix's refusal to recognize the OSX platform as a legitimate market share is going to kill them.
The script for There Will Be Blood is available
I'm reading it, just because I can. I'm very, very intrigued by this movie. Every year at Oscar time, a film comes out of the blue that no one in the general public has heard about already dripping with critical acclaim/Oscar buzz. This is 2007's. I absolutely love Daniel Day Lewis, and the combination of him and Paul Thomas Anderson makes this a must for me, buzz or not.
Starbucks gets Skinny™.
I love Starbucks. I don't care how much of a yuppy I look like when I hop in and order my triple-grande vanilla soy latte. This is a great development on their parts.
Warner's entire music catalogue now available on Amazon. Despite Steve Job's plea to studios to abandon DRM technology, some still aren't budging. Let's hope this is the final catalyst.