Feb 05, 2005 20:52
No purpose to this, just felt like using my psychotic crazy berserker nun avatar. I heart Yumie/Yumiko!
Edit: But I probably should make some use out of this. Anybody know that one band the Distillers? The one that the one guy from Bad Religion described Brody Armstrong the singer as having a voice that sounded like a broken axel raised on whiskey and cigarettes for the entire duration of her life. Well see thing is for Brody I think it sounds pretty damn awesome, but for me getting a similar voice in the duration of a day due to some stupid cough is not quite so much fun.
With the last semester in hand all I really have in my mind is just trying to find some way to occupy myself while the last of these pointless school days dwindles away. There's always raiding the eBay and raiding the Goodwill so I can modify the gloves I need for Sol Badguy at the upcoming anime convention. Then there's also the fact that I feel like just doing a shitload of reading that has absolutely nothing to do with English class. Borders is kind of handy for that where I just grab some random book from the shelves and read through the first chapter. Thriller, drama, manga, hell even a decent erotica book would be nice right about now.