Everybody Party we've been out of school For 5 Years

Jun 15, 2006 02:15

Well I'm regionally an EMT now, on the 7 of July I take National Registry, my final certification to riding the bus (Ambulance). I passed by the skin of my teeth, well I don't know the end score, because some of the questions will be thrown out, poorly written and such, so a few of those will raise my score, but when I saw the score I was around an 83% and well as you probably don't know 80 is the lowest passing score. I also joined the Volunteer Fire Department yesterday, finally after talking to the PCF Captain only about three months ago. Probably mean's little to those of you whom might read. So now I wait... and wait... aaaand wait... until my EMT certificate, and PCF (Paid Call Firefighter) information comes in the mail. Then I get to take a physical, and prepare for Basic Ops, in January. Not including all the other Certifications I have to get before Then, HazMat, WildlandFire the list goes on. What have I gotten myself into, more class work. The nice thing is I get to work on my Medical Training in the field, well I don't know how nice that is for anybody I might have to actually work on, since I'm probably going to be showing up on the worst day of the Patients life, shouldn't dwell on it I suppose. Do I regret spending the last six months Training to do this, being pumped with every vaccine known to man, and I'll tell you now that Hepatitis B Vaccine, kicked my ass, but I'm like super man now...heh... not like the one in color, the one in black and white.

oh P.S. If anyone knows what happened to Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday, let me know if last week was going to be the last time they skipped those days, or is this going to be a monthly thing, maybe like a holiday, I don't know....... so much for Sobriety.. huh..
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