Vid Rec (The Flash) & Harrisco-Vid Rambling

Feb 12, 2017 12:56

I'm gonna try to use my journal more. Late New Year's resolution....


💜 The Flash Vid Rec: 💜
Given Out of Love by fabella
Cisco/All the Harrison Wells

Tell me what you're doing on the other side?
And so, just tell me what you're doing with that other guy?

One of my favorite things about The Flash is that Tom Cavanagh gets to play a different version of his character every season from different dimensions (and sometimes multiple versions within the same season). A+ trend, keep it going please! From homicidal, evil mastermind to anti-social, but grudgingly good-hearted genius to embarrassing cinnamon roll who wants to please everyone. (Please Show, bring back Earth-2 Harry to be forced to work with Earth-19 HR because that would be hilarious.) One of my OTHER favorite things about this situation is seeing how Cisco has to navigate/re-assess his relationship and boundaries with each version. I mean, Earth-2 Harry/Cisco 4EVA, but Earth-19 HR has wormed his way in and grown on me. (Also, Cisco fought Earth-19 for ownership of HR, so as far as HR's Earth is concerned, Harrison Wells belongs to Cisco now. Officially. WHERE IS ALL THE FIC, PEOPLE??)

I should probably mention here that doppelgangers/clones and the issues of people around them is one of my die hard tropes. So, YMMV on interest obviously.

Anyway, back to the vid. Fabella does such a great job of Cisco's pov trying to reconcile all these confusing & conflicting feelings. He went from admiring hero-worship to being betrayed and terrified by to being a (bickering/flirting) equal to now being the one admired by this man with the same face. OH MY CISCO.

I love the way she uses a mirror/duplicate effect on some scenes to create 3 Wells (1:25, 2:01, 2:54). Such a simple yet genius commentary.

The juxtaposition of some "original" Harrison Wells and HR is especially effective, like at 1:07 when Gypsy reaches out toward Cisco while he's fighting for HR's life vs Wells reaching out to kill Cisco. Or, HR putting his hands out in friendly supplication/gratefulness gesture vs Wells putting his hand out to STAB IT THROUGH CISCO'S CHEST. (Like, yikes, I do not blame Cisco for having trust issues with this face.)

All of your friends have been here for too long
They must be waiting for you to move on

I also love at 1:40 when Cisco touches HR's shoulder to gently reassure him vs nervously touching Harry's shoulder in the same way to see if he's secretly evil.

TL;DR I love Cisco/Harry and I love Fabella's take on this pairing.

Btw here are some of her older vids of Cisco/Earth-2 Harry that I've recced before but always worth more viewings:

Earth-2 Harry pov: Genghis Khan
Cisco pov: One More Night

This entry x-posted at Comment at either place.

vid recs: the flash, cisco ramon, harrison wells, the flash, harrisco, vidding, vid recs

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