I had to dig out my 2012 smiling Black Widow for this post. That should tell you, my reaction is mucho positive.
I am a little loopy because I went to the very first 9am Saturday showing & got little sleep the night before. So I may have more insightful things to say later. (Maybe.)
I know the overall gist (and end) of the original Civil War comic story, and have read a random issue here & there of it. So, first of all, I AM SO HAPPY THAT STEVE DID NOT DIE. I was really, really scared y'all. Because I heard Chris Evans had signed a shorter contract than the others and just..oh no. After I started thinking about the differences between the comic divide/stances and the movie divide/stances, I realized that's because the movie divide didn't need a martyr to end it. Steve didn't have to become a martyr for Tony to realize how much he fucked up. (I mean, diehard comic people, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong in my interpretation of the comic storyline.)
I feel like Tony's side was presented much more reasonably in the movie divide than in the comics, much less totalitarian. Like, I agreed with some aspects of both sides. They both had reasonable points. (If I had to choose, it would be Steve's side, but...I do see where Tony & co are coming from.) So, I think the movie did a good job of making both sides nuanced. But basically, STEVE THANK GOD.
I love love loved that Natasha switched sides in the airport fight and let Steve & Bucky go. I feel like that's very true to her character, because she's adaptable, she's situational. She's not an ideologue. She read the room, so to speak, and realized that Steve would have fought to the death in that moment, and made a choice to save all her friends' lives that was not dependent on some official loyalty to Tony. She thinks on her feet and adapts on her feet.
I loved that Clint & Natasha do not take this personally. Even while fighting eachother. <3
I also liked that we got to see some of Natasha's friendships with both Tony & Steve.
Ok...I guess I need to go watch Ant-Man now. Because Paul Rudd was hilarious.
I loved that this new Spider-Man looks, acts, and talks like a kid. He's not an adult actor pretending to be a kid. I laughed out loud at a lot of the Spider-Man stuff and the other characters' reactions to him. "That really old movie Empire Strikes Back." And I loved Tony's protective, older mentor vibe with him.
Saaaaaaaaaaaam. Sam and Bucky together = A+ Gold. The "move your seat up" and "I hate you so much."
Black Panther rocks. Holy hell. I am ready for that movie now, please. In a lot of ways, he kind of stole the movie. Sam's "So you like cats" made me LOL. I am so glad that he realized revenge was not the answer at the end there. I feel like that quiet end scene with the Bad Guy just really added another dimension to his character.
Wandaaaaaaaaaaaa. I love Wanda. I love her powers. And I enjoyed the Wanda/Vision dynamic.
TONY/RHODEY IS THE GREATEST. Awww, I love their friendship. The end scene with Tony helping him walk...yes.
Steve/Bucky was, of course, epic. Like, damn. EPIC. And Steve/Sam...and STEVE/SAM/BUCKY. I'm just sayin'.
Overall, I ended up feeling a lot more sympathy for Tony than I was expecting to (both for the position he was in throughout and for the personal murder reveal at the end). Interesting that he shouted, "He killed my mom"-- not parents or dad. Which speaks to his fucked up relationship to his father, I suppose.
Basically, we need Captain America 4: Everyone Gets Hugs.
(PS. I did miss Pepper. I wish she could have been in it.)
(PPS. I also missed Nick Fury. I kept expecting him to pop up.)
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