Vid: Love Lockdown [Festivids]

Feb 13, 2016 13:34

Made for
jetpack_monkey  in Festivids 2015!

summary:  A revived ancient Egyptian mummy is determined to be reunited with his reincarnated lost love.
source:  The Mummy (1932)
music:  "Love Lockdown" by Kanye West
length:  2:20
download (zipped, right-click):  WMV (13 MB)  //  AVI (34 MB)
streaming:  YouTube Blocked Grrr! //  Tumblr

Password = boris

image You can watch this video on

Love Lockdown [The Mummy 1932] from SE on Vimeo.

This entry x-posted at Comment at either place.

festivids, my vids, horror, vidding

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