Aka, the unnamed blonde, female character who takes up the hammer for a while.
There are a number of women in Thor’s life, and we’re going to tease out for quite awhile the identity of who this woman is. But one of the women in Thor’s life picks up the hammer. She is in fact worthy. And she becomes Thor.
It's totally going to be Carol Danvers. CAROL THOR DANVERS.
My theory, let me show you!
I don't know why else they would make such a big deal of it by announcing it on tv. (lol @ The View wtf?) Other people and beings have become Thor. Storm & Wonder Woman have both picked up the hammer. Considering Captain Marvel is arguably one of their most successful current characters (or at least one that has a ton of support from the fans & Marvel), it'd be a big deal to suddenly stop the Captain Marvel run and turn it into a CapMarvel-Thor hybrid.
Just wait. I called it first. Carol Danver's gonna become Thor for a short arc (seriously doubt it will last long).
(PS. If I'm right, I would totally read that.)
(PPS. If this is a NEW blonde female character...Marvel's gotta shake up that character trait bag some more. C'mon.)