A Random List of Stuff

Jun 03, 2013 22:04

1. Hannibal fanart by criminallyincompetent - No, I know what monsters are... Fascinating, surreal/tender/creepy interpretation of an Abigail & Hannibal scene in the episode "Trou Normand." Words cannot express how much I love this. That should probably worry me. (Do I need to warn for monsters?)

2. I think Game of Thrones broke me.

3. I started watching Parks & Recreation this weekend. I'm on season 2 now. Leslie Knope ♥ ♥ ♥  She had me forever when she sang "Parents Just Don't Understand" as the season 2 cold open.

4. Went to see Fast & Furious 6 in theaters, despite never having seen the other movies. 1500% of the blame for this can be placed on what little I saw of Gina Carano and Michelle Rodriguez in the previews. A+ reasons, badass hotness, would watch again. It made me long for the female Expendables-style movie that's being rumored. Now I have to go back and watch the other 5 movies.

5. I am always amused by the attitude difference between US & UK when it comes to tv scheduling. Luther series 3 will air in the US on September 3-6 at 10pm (already got the timeslot ads airing). But before that, it will air in the UK...~sometime in the summer. Could be in July, could be this weekend. The night before, BBC will just shout "OK, NOW. GO GO GO." There's got to be some middle ground between obsessively anal and last minute "meh whenever"...right? I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHEN LUTHER WILL AIR PLEASE, BBC. I AM DYING HERE. MAKE A DECISION.

game of thrones, hannibal, fanart, parks & recreation, gina carano, luther, movies

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