Summary: Mags, Loretta, Raylan, and the dance of season 2.
Music: "Black Dresses" by The Builders and the Butchers
Warning: Major SPOILERS for all of season 2, especially the finale. Vid contains physical violence (including violence of a parent against adult children).
Length: 2:52
Download (zipped file, right-click):
WMV (21 MB) //
AVI (42 MB)*I actually think the WMV is the better quality here, since it's the original file.
on youtube /
on tumblr Click to view
Notes: This is an auction vid for the lovely and brilliant (and patient)
serrico. Hooray! She gets the hat tip for song and concept and all-around awesome vid guiding. Little does she know that I may be kidnapping her for future beta-ing duty. *shifty eyes*
As I was clipping for this vid, it became very clear that the female characters (in addition to Raylan, naturally, as the main character) were really the ones who controlled and shaped the narrative of season 2. Therefore, it felt natural to bring Helen, Ava, and Carol into this "dance" for a bit, and thankfully
serrico was happy to let me do it.