vid: Devils Haircut - Martin

Feb 04, 2012 10:40

Made for my vid brain twin, jetpack-monkey. Happy Festivids!

Devils Haircut
Source: Martin (1977)
Summary: Martin believes he is a vampire and must drink blood to survive. This may or may not be true.
Music: "Devils Haircut" by Beck
Length: 3:19
Warnings: violence, murder, stalking, blood, syringes & needles, razor blades, suicide, religious imagery, brief nudity, possible mental illness (maybe)

Download (zipped file, right-click): WMV (25 MB) // AVI (46 MB)

Streaming: youtube

image Click to view

Notes: This a George A. Romero movie, of Night of the Living Dead fame. I had actually never seen it before it turned up in pinch-hits, but it sounded just up my alley. So, thank you for introducing me to it, jetpack-monkey! Yay! Hey, how could I resist this description?? Martin's emo moppet existence. Being a vampire (or a serial killer) is HARD. Answer: I COULD NOT. (Also, his cousin Christina is a great character, so I had to give her the 2 guitar interludes. I thought their two characters' interactions were fantastic.)

festivids, my vids, vidding, movies

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