And once again, Luther saves the day with his self-destructiveness...
I love Jenny and I love Luther's relationship with Jenny SO MUCH. If they make a 3rd series, I really hope she's still around. I love her as his pseudo-adopted teenage daughter.
I'm glad Luther mentioned his Russian Roulette from 2x01. Can't say why exactly, but I liked that. *shrug*
I love that Alice is his secret weapon. Ha! Awesome. (It somewhat softened the blow of not seeing her yet again this episode. Boo.) I hope they really are still in contact and it wasn't just a bluff.
Disappointed we didn't see Mark either. :(
The scene were Erin stepped outside to cry & pull herself together was heart-wrenching. She's just trying to do the right thing. I also find Justin's unwavering loyalty to Luther really interesting.
Jenny: "So, now what?" ♥ ♥ ♥ John & Jenny & ice cream. Aww, I love him when he's with her.
Both these pics came from tumblr. Apparently there are 2 different fuckyeah accounts: Does anyone know if it's been greenlit for a 3rd series? Too early?