Doctor Who:
Stuck to You by
humansrsuperiorDoctor/Amy/Rory! NEW TEAM TARDIS YAYS \o/
World Town by
big_n_happyYou may either protest or forget.
Are You Gonna Be My Girl? by
ageless_aislynnRiver/Eleven <3
Doctor's Big Bang by
algine5x13 vidlet
Space: Above & Beyond:
Who We Are by
collsHawkes & West
(S:A&B! Eeeeeee! I loved this show SO MUCH back in the day. I really need to rewatch it.)
Brokeback Justified by
fantasticpantsRaylan/Boyd. I'm just gonna quote the vidder here: "I started out just doing it for the lulz, then they went and got all EPIC on me."